Great things after great things!

The past few weeks have been super weeks for Anna Community as we have updated our landing page, based on the valuable feedback we got from our possible future users! Besides that we have made our final pitch and were chosen to be one of the 5 best pitches of Demola spring 2016! Wohooo!

First, the landing page. We heard that our green landing page with fields and stuff was reminding too much an environmental charity page so we decided that it had to be changed. And since we want to be a gamified online charity, why not make the landing page more gamified too? Here is our new page, with the new awesome logo! What do you think?



Our final pitch was carefully planned by our leader Elisa, with help and guidance from the rest of the team. We made some changes to our successful mid-pitch but kept some elements the same, like the tsunami story (why change something that’s working!). We got some great feedback in the final pitching event which is going to be valuable for us because Anna Community will also be present in New Factory Open on May 26th!


So Demola spring is almost at end, but the final challenge will be next Thursday’s NFO event! Can’t wait! And more about that later…!


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